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Taiko Sommercamps

Taiko Sommercamps Taiko Intensive Summer 2018 The next summer camp will take place from 2-6 August 2023 in Molkenberg at the river Havel! Participants can bring at least 2-3 years of Taiko experience. There is a waiting list.The last summer camp took place from 20-24 July 2022 in Molkenberg an der Havel! Once again it … Read more


Performances 2024 Big summer concert 2024 on Sunday, 1st September 2024 in the Luftschloss on Tempelhofer Field together with the Shamisen Trio Mitsune. The concert starts at 6 pm – tickets are now available by following this link. For the concert, take the entrance close to station Paradestraße or station Tempelhof. We will be playing … Read more


Introductory classes take place in our dojo in the Musikfabrik, Neuköllnische Allee 6-8 in Berlin-Neukölln. Workshop-contents will depend on the participants registered (please be aware of the actual regulations – such as 2G+ mask). This introductory class costs 20, – € and can count toward a monthly subscription if you chose to continue. Payment also … Read more

News / Dates

News / Dates Taiko is a joie de vivre. Concentrate on movements, sequences and the technical challenges and you can achieve peace of mind. But it is more than a means to turn off the stress of everyday life, it also offers a sense of community. For the curious, there are performances from time to time … Read more
